Posts Tagged ‘Lambda Expression’
Venkat Subramaniam na 33rd Degree 2014
Venkat Subramaniam jest niekwestionowaną gwiazdą konferencji 33rd Degree. Na tegorocznej edycji przedstawił trzy tematy. Oto one:
Keynote: The Joy of Functional Programming
It’s been around for a long time, but everyone’s talking about it all of a sudden. But why and why now? We’ve been programming in languages like Java for a while, quite well. Now we’re asked to change and the languages themselves are changing towards this style of programming. In this keynote, a passionate polyglot programmer and author of „Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power of Java 8 Lambda Expressions” will share the reasons we need to make the paradigm shift and the pure joy – the benefits – we will reap from it.