IDEA Shortcuts
Ulubione skróty klawiaturowe IntelliJ IDEA
Ctrl + Space | Basic code completion |
Ctrl + Shift + Space | Smart code completion |
Ctrl + Alt + Space | Class name completion |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter | Complete statement |
Ctrl + P | Parameter info |
Ctrl + Q | Quick documentation lookup |
Ctrl + Alt + U | Show class hierarchy |
Alt + Insert | Generate code |
Ctrl + O | Override methods |
Ctrl + I | Implement methods |
Ctrl + / | Comment/uncomment with line comment |
Ctrl + Shift + / | Comment/uncomment with block comment |
Ctrl + W | Select successively increasing code blocks |
Alt + Enter | Show intention actions and quick fixes |
Ctrl + Alt + L | Reformat code |
Ctrl + Alt + O | Optimize imports |
Ctrl + Atl + I | Auto-indent line(s) |
Shift + Enter | Start new line |
Ctrl + D | Duplicate current line or selected block |
Ctrl + Y | Delete the current line |
Ctrl + N | Go to class |
Ctrl + Shift + N | Go to file |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N | Go to symbol |
Alt + Right/Left | Go to next/previous editor tab |
Ctrl + G | Go to line |
Ctrl + E | Recent files popup |
Ctrl + Alt + Right/Left | Navigate back/forward |
Ctrl + B | Go to declaration |
Ctrl + Shift + B | Go to type declaration |
Ctrl + Alt + B | Go to implementation(s) |
Ctrl + Shift + I | Open quick definition lookup |
Ctrl + U | Go to super-method/super-class |
Ctrl + Shift + T | Go to test class |
Ctrl + F12 | File structure popup |
Ctrl + F | Find |
F3 | Find next |
Shift + F3 | Find previous |
Ctrl + R | Replace |
Ctrl + Shift + F | Find in path |
Ctrl + Shift + R | Replace in path |
Ctrl + Shift + S | Search structurally |
Ctrl + Shift + M | Replace structurally |
Usage Search
Alt + F7 / Ctrl + F7 | Find usages / Find usages in file |
Ctrl + Alt + F7 | Show usages |
Compile and Run
Ctrl + F9 | Make project |
Ctrl + Shift + F9 | Compile selected file, package, module |
Alt + Shift + F10 | Select configuration and run |
Alt + Shift + F9 | Select configuration and debug |
Shift + F10 | Run |
Shift + F9 | Debug |
Alt + Delete | Safe delete |
Shift + F6 | Rename |
Ctrl + F6 | Change signature |
Ctrl + Alt + M | Extract method |
Ctrl + Alt + V | Introduce variable |
Ctrl + Alt + F | Introduce field |
Ctrl + Alt + C | Introduce constant |
Ctrl + Alt + P | Introduce parameter |
Alt + #[0-9] | Open/close corresponding tool window |
Ctrl + Tab | Switch between tabs and tool window |