Archive for the ‘Bez kategorii’ Category
Wesołych Świąt
Zdrowych, Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, spędzonych w rodzinnej atmosferze, bez laptopów, tabletów, blogów, twittera, branżowych książek życzy Barista!
Venkat Subramaniam na 33rd Degree 2014
Venkat Subramaniam jest niekwestionowaną gwiazdą konferencji 33rd Degree. Na tegorocznej edycji przedstawił trzy tematy. Oto one:
Keynote: The Joy of Functional Programming
It’s been around for a long time, but everyone’s talking about it all of a sudden. But why and why now? We’ve been programming in languages like Java for a while, quite well. Now we’re asked to change and the languages themselves are changing towards this style of programming. In this keynote, a passionate polyglot programmer and author of „Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power of Java 8 Lambda Expressions” will share the reasons we need to make the paradigm shift and the pure joy – the benefits – we will reap from it.
Happy New Year 2014
/** * @author Barista */ public class Wishes { @Test public void thisNewYearShouldBeAsFollows() { // given final Year newYear = new Year.Builder(2014) .betterThenPrevious() .withManyJavaConferences() .withInterestingJUGsMeetingsAndWorkshops() .build(); // when for (final Day day : newYear.days()) { // then assertThat(day, is(instanceOf(HappyDay.class))); assertThat(day, is(efficient().and(productive()))); assertThat(during(day), isTimeCodingJava(greaterThan(3, HOURS))); assertThat(theEnd(of(day)), allOf(tests, are(GREEN))); } } }